Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gram Stain Procedure

This was a gram stain procedure I did at Marshall with my dad around the dates February 4-7. He showed me how and what to do. It was interesting. Now I know how to do a gram stain procedure.

Here's what we did and the results:

Performed Gram stain on one G+ organism (Staphylococcus)
and one G- organism (E. coli).  Purpose - identification
  1. Prepared smear using aseptic technique.
  2. Air dried, heat fixed (gently).
  3. Crystal Violet (10 sec.)
  4. Iodine (1 min.)
  5. Decolorizer (15sec,)
  6. Safranin (1 min.)
Results: Staphylococcus appeared as purple spherical clumps, which was expected. The Escherichia coli was a faint pink bacillus, which was also expected.

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